Wednesday, June 27, 2012

New House, New Baby, Pinterest

Guess what the fiance and I are doing? Buying a house! Pretty awesome, isn't it? We will be first-time homeowners, so it is a big deal for us. It is quite the fixer-upper, but we are getting it for a great price, so I'm sure I will actually have some interesting things to post pretty soon. The fiance is quite the handyman, so I'm sure we'll be fixing all kinds of stuff. Or...desperately trying. We're also having another baby. Hopefully, it will be as cute as the first two. If not, we may put it back. Either way, here is what it looks like now:

On another note, I have become addicted to Pinterest. However, I am coming to find out that some of this stuff is crap. Am I the ONLY person on this site that actually follows the link through before pinning? I can only imagine my poor friends seeing one of my pins and thinking, "OMG! That recipe looks AMAZING! Pinning!" only to find a week later, when they actually try to access the link associated to the pin, they are taken to one of those "Click here to win!" dancing pop-ups. Those really irritate me.

Do you know what else irritates me? Just pictures. Listen, lady, I know you want to try and keep that wedding dress that you love a secret so that NO ONE else will wear it. However, you grabbed it from the World Wide Web, which means that you are definitely not the original owner of the photo. So please, don't take that pic, put it on your blog without linking to the source, or upload it to your personal photo gallery and then pin it. No one likes that.

My dogs ate my cross stitch, so I am trying to venture my way into some other form of craftiness. I am now going to try to crochet something. I figure I should try and knit some booties or a blanket for the baby, since it's the womanly thing to do. This can go one of two ways. I will either A) successfully crochet a little blankie with strange stitches and that is lopsided, but I will force my child to use it anyway, or B) end up failing miserably and buy a little crocheted blanket and call it my own. Either way will work for me. I will keep you (my one reader HAHA) updated.